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Austin Windshield Glass Chip Repairs

The degree of safety your vehicle offers in case of a collision or rollover depends on your windshield being free of cracks.  The windshield supports the roof, cracks in the windshield weaken the roof support and make your vehicle less safe to drive.

A small chip in the windshield glass will quickly grow into long cracks.  Windshield replacements can be costly, quick action to repair the chip now can save you the annoyance of looking through cracks and some money — act now & save !

Windshield glass chip repairs are effective at stopping cracks from spreading more than 90% of the time.  We employ highly experienced technicians to repair windshield chips.  If the chip does run anytime in the future, then bring us your receipt and we will discount the cost of the repair of a windshield replacement.

If you have comprehensive insurance that covers auto glass replacement, then your insurance will pay for your Austin windshield chip repair which will cost you nothing — we will bill your insurance company.

Windshield Chip Repair

Get Windshield Chip Repair Services in Austin, today!

Bring your vehicle into our shop and we can quickly repair your window today — it will only take 30 minutes.  We have technicians standing by to fix your windshield virtually any time.  Call 512-345-3105 and let us know when you want to come by or email us at for any questions.


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